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5-Year Economic Development Strategy (2021-2025)  Background Image
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5-Year Economic Development Strategy (2021-2025) 

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Economic Development Strategy 2021-2025

In November 2019, the Economic Development Office launched the process of updating the County of Simcoe Economic Development Strategy. The Strategy was undertaken in-house with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs with the overall goal of creating a “Made in Simcoe County” plan. The final Economic Development Strategy was approved by County Council in March 2021.

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Economic Development Strategy

To create a fulsome strategy that encompassed all aspects of the County’s economy significant stakeholder engagement was undertaken, including a business survey, key stakeholder one-on-one interviews, and sector focus groups. Additionally, an economic trends analysis, an economic literature review, and an assessment of key economic development assets was undertaken.  A number of challenges and opportunities facing economic development in the County were identified. Goals, objectives and action plans recommended to address these challenges and leverage opportunities were developed to provide a five-year path forward for the County of Simcoe to follow.

The overall goals of the Strategy are:

  1. Simcoe County will be recognized as a premier destination for investment in Ontario.
  2. Through an excellent quality of life, education and careers, Simcoe County attracts and retains talent to support the needs of its thriving business community.
  3. Businesses stay and grow in the region, supported by a strong and innovative business development environment.
  4. The County of Simcoe’s Economic Development Office is a leader in facilitating and building effective and collaborative relationships that create a strong ecosystem for regional economic development.
  5. Advocate for and support the delivery of infrastructure to meet the needs of a competitive business community.

For detailed information on the 5-Year Economic Development Strategy and/or Economic Development & Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Plan, please visit the following links:

If you would like more information on the County of Simcoe 5-Year Economic Development Strategy or COVID-19 Recovery Plan, please contact the Economic Development Office at 705-726-9300 or