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Talent and R&D opportunities



We are home to innovative manufacturers operating in every niche, offering thousands of diverse career opportunities. Experts in healthcare, technology, food processing, aerospace, automotive and more, work hard to design, refine, and innovate solutions that impact lives well beyond our borders.

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Invest in Simcoe County

Manufacturing Sector Profile

Resources for Local Manufacturers

Resources Page
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Wendy Timpano

Sr. Economic Development Officer

Phone: 705-726-9300 ext. 1054


A traditional strength, advanced manufacturing in the region remains competitive through high-tech advances and the presence of some of the world’s most innovative auto parts suppliers

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Automotive & EV

The region is home to a thriving automotive technology cluster, serving as the base for one of Canada’s largest automotive manufacturers, Honda of Canada Mfg.

Auto & EV Brochure Yellow arrow

Defence and Security

Simcoe County is home to a cluster of globally competitive businesses offering leading-edge technologies, products, and services for land-based, naval, aerospace, and joint forces military units.

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Sector Leaders

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Our Growing Manufacturing Sector

Access to

Located just north of the Greater Toronto Area, our location is unbeatable.


People within a one-day drive


Provincial highways facilitating transport


Our talent is skilled, ready & interested in manufacturing


Manufacturing employees make up 14% of the labour force


Forecasted population growth by 2041

Research & Development 

Harness the power of R&D partnerships with our leading institutions


Skilled trade graduates each year from the Barrie Campus of Georgian College


Investment in Georgian College’s Peter B. Moore Advanced Technology Centre

Strong Transportation Network


Ideally situated just north of the Greater Toronto Area, Simcoe County’s strong transportation network makes it a great place to do business. Major highways facilitate transportation to Canadian, US and international markets and over 130 million people are within a one-day drive.

Simcoe County Map Zoomed Out Simcoe County Map

“While there are many factors which drove the decision to locate in Simcoe County, access to a strong road transportation network remains an important element.” 

Kevin Mullins 

Manager of Administration Honda of Canada Mfg. (HCM)

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1-866-893-9300 EXT: 1686